Country specific rating

If your age rating is the same for the whole world it is very easy to implement this in the age.xml. Just include an <ageblock-country> like this and you are done.

One age rating for all countries:

   <country class="age.xml">


Different age ratings for different countries

age.xml countries

But maybe you have different age ratings for different countries or regions of the world. Culture already varies greatly within the European Union and the differences are even greater around the world.

age.xml has a solution for that. You can have one age.xml plus different country age-xx.xml such as age-de.xml, age-fr.xml, age-us.xml (together we call them age-xx.xml), etc. There are also defined regions so that you don’t have to install as many xml files as there are countries in the world.

We recommend using our label generator if you decide to make different age ratings for different countries. Just select countries and define the age and you’ll get the right age.xml together with all necessary age-xx.xml files. Upload them all at the root of your website and you are done.

If you want to do country-specific age ratings of your own, you will need:

  • One age.xml file to define which age-xx.xml file is valid for which country and to work as a default for missing countries or files
  • One age-xx.xml file per country or region for which you have different age ratings. One age-xx.xml file can cover more than one country.

 For the definition of countries age.xml uses ISO-3166-1  (see:‐1)


Example of an <ageblock-country> in your age.xml file defining country specific age rating:

  <country class="age-de.xml">
   <country class="age-nl.xml">
   <country class="age-xec.xml">

In this example is defined:

  • age-de.xml is valid in Germany (DE), Austria (AT) and Switzerland (CH)
  • age-nl.xml is valid in Netherlands (NL)
  • age-xec.xml is valid in all countries in Europe except DE, AT, CH, NL
  • age.xml is valid in all other countries of the world and is the default if the other age-xx.xml files are missing

Note: order = priority. The more specific a country definition, the higher it has to be.


How does country-specific age-xx.xml look like?

Country-specific age-xx.xml like age-uk.-xml, age-at.xml, age-xec.xml etc. follow the same definition as age.xml. The only difference is that there is no <ageblock-country> in the age-xx.xml as it doesn’t make sense there.

Note: Because of historical differences of age-de.xml in Germany (age-de.xml started in 2010), there is a <label-version>1.0</label-version> of age-de.xml with a slightly different definition. After a transition period, age-de.xml will have the same definition as all other age-xx.xml files. In the meantime, our label generator automatically generates the right (old) age-de.xml version.


Country specific age categories

Age categories are specific to countries and rating bodies. A list of known age categories by country or rating body you can find here.


Definition of regions in the age.xml

You might use region codes to save typing many ISO codes for all countries in the age.xml. Composition of the regions is defined by the United Nations Statistic Devision, see:

country group age-xx.xml  regions  UN regions 
 all  age.xml  All countries worldwide  001
 xec  age-xec.xml  All European countries  039, 151, 154, 155
 xna  age-xna.xml  All countries of Nothern America  021
 xca  age-xca.xml  All countries of Central America and Latin America  029, 013
 xsa  age-xsa.xml  All countries of South America  005
 xaf  age-xaf.xml  All countries of the African continent  014, 017, 015, 018, 011
 xaw  age-xaw.xml  All countries of Western Asia and Central Asia  143, 145
 xas  age-xas.xml  All countries of Southern Asia  034
 xae  age-xae.xml  All countries of Eastern Asia and South-Eastern Asia  030, 035
xoc  age-xoc.xml  Australia, New Zealand and all countries of Oceania  053, 054, 057,061


Lists of countries with ISO codes

For latest updates see In case of changes the current list from United Nations Statistics Division is valid.

Denmark (DK), Estonia (EE), Faroe Islands (FO), Finland (FI), Guernsey (GG), Iceland (IS), Ireland (IE), Isle of Man (IM), Jersey (JE), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Sweden (SE), United Kingdom (GB)
Austria (AT), Belgium (BE), France (FR), Germany (DE), Liechtenstein (LI), Luxembourg (LU), Monaco (MC), Netherlands (NL), Switzerland (CH)
Albania (AL), Andorra (AD), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Croatia (HR), Gibraltar (GI), Greece (GR), Italy (IT), Macedonia (MK), Malta (MT), Montenegro (ME), Portugal (PT), San Marino (SM), Serbia (RS), Slovenia (SI), Spain (ES), Vatican city (VA)
Belarus (BY), Bulgaria (BG), Czech Republic (CZ), Hungary (HU), Moldova (MD), Norway (NO), Poland (PL), Romania (RO), Russia (RU), Slovakia (SK), Ukraine (UA)
Bermuda (BM), Canada (CA), Greenland (GL), St. Pierre and Miquelon (PM), United States of America (US)
Belize (BZ), Costa Rica (CR), El Salvador (SV), Guatemala (GT), Honduras (HN), Mexico (MX), Nicaragua (NI), Panama (PA)
Anguilla (AI), Antigua and Barbuda (AG), Aruba (AW), Bahamas (BS), Barbados (BB), British Virgin Islands (VG), Cayman Islands (KY), Cuba (CU), Curacao (CW), Dominica (DM), Dominican Republic (DO), Grenada (GD), Guadeloupe (GP), Haiti (HT), Jamaica (JM), Martinique (MQ), Montserrat (MS), Puerto Rico (PR), Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN), Saint Lucia (LC), Saint Martin (MF), Sint Maarten (SX), St. Barthélemy (BL), St. Vincent and the Grenadines (VC), Trinidad and Tobago (TT), Turks and Coicos Islands (TC), US Virgin Islands (VI)
Argentina (AR), Bolivia (BO), Brazil (BR), Chile (CL), Colombia (CP), Ecuador (EC), Falkland Islands (FK), French Guiana (GF), Guiana (GY), Paraguay (PY), Peru (PE), Suriname (SR), Uruguay (UY), Venezuela (VE)
Algeria (DZ), Egypt (EG), Libya (LY), Morocco (MA), Sudan (SD), Tunisia (TN), Western Sahara (EH)
Angola (AO), Camerroon (CM), Central African Republic (CF), Chad (TD), Congo‐Brazzaville (CG), Democratic Republic of the Congo (CD), Equatorial Guinea (GQ), Gabon (GA), Sao Tome and Principe (ST)
Benin (BJ), Burkina Faso (BF), Cabo Verde (CV), Gambia (GM), Ghana (GH), Guinea (GN), Guinea‐Bissau (GW), Ivory Coast (CI), Liberia (LR), Mali Republic (ML), Mauritania (MR), Niger (NE), Nigeria (NG), Saint Helena (SH), Senegal (SN), Sierra Leone (SL), Togo (TG)
Burundi (BI), Comoros (KM), Djibouti (DJ), Eritrea (ER), Ethiopia (ET), Kenya (KE), Madagascar (MG), Malawi (MW), Mauritius (MU), Mayotte (YT), Mozambique (MZ), Réunion (RE), Rwanda (RW), Seychelles (SC), Somalia Republic (SO), South Sudan (SS), Tanzania (TZ), Uganda (UG), Zambia (ZM), Zimbabwe (ZW)
Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Bahrain (BH), Cyprus (CY), Georgia (GE), Iraq (IQ), Israel (IL), Jordan (JO), Kuwait (KW), Lebanon (LB), Oman (OM), Palestine (PS), Qatar (QA), Saudi Arabia (SA), Syria (SY), Turkey (TR), United Arab Emirates (AE), Yemen (YE)
Kazakhstan (KZ), Kyrgyzstan (KG), Tajikistan (TJ), Turkmenistan (TM), Uzbekistan (ZU)
Afghanistan (AF), Bangladesh (BD), Bhutan (BT), India (IN), Iran (IR), Maldives (MV), Nepal (NP), Pakistan (PK), Sri Lanka (LG)
China (CN), Hongkong (HK), Japan (JP), Macao (MO), Mongolei (MN), Nordkorea (KP), Südkorea (KR)
Brunei Darussalam (BN), Cambodia (KH), Indonesia (ID), Laos (LA), Malaysia (MY), Myanmar (MM), Philippines (PH), Singapur (SG), Thailand (TH), Timor‐Leste (TL), Viet Nam (VN)
Australia (AU), New Zealand (NZ), Norfold Islands (NF)
Fiji Islands (FJ), New Caledonia (NC), Papua New Guinea (PG), Solomon Islands (SB), Vanatu (VU)
Guam (GU), Kiribati (KI), Marshall Islands (MH), Micronesia (FM), Nauru (NR), Palau (PW)
American Samoa (AS), Cook Islands (CK), French Polynesia (PF), Niue (NU), Samoa (WS), Tokelau (TK), Tonga (TO), Tuvalu (TV), Wallis and Futuna Islands (WF)